The Feng Shui Of Trees

By Jadran Z. Transcona

Trees are important life source and vital members of outdoor community. Often called the “lungs of the Mother Earth” trees take the carbon dioxide, that we and the animals of the world and give us life saving oxygen. Trees also prevent groundwater runoff and soil erosion. It is obvious that trees are a crucial part of out Earth and treasured members of our landscape family.

Besides being beautiful, trees provide us with shade, beauty and a wonderful place to climb or swing from. Fruit and nut trees give us good things to eat, on less tangible level, trees also exert a powerful influence on the feng shui of our homes. For this reason, it is important to look at trees surrounding your home. What else do trees have to offer us? Let us look at the feng shui of trees.

First Trees give excellent support. Planted at the rear of a house trees provide important “mountain support” at the rear of a property. Ideally all home are situated on a lot with a rise at the rear of the property. If this rise is missing , or if the landscape is flat , or if there is nothing taller or larger than your house or building vital support can be missing, you may have to struggle in key areas of your life. This rear support is a critical element in feng shui. Planting a row of five trees across the back of your property can simulate this missing support.

Next it is a good idea to plant bamboo for the best luck of all. Bamboo is considered a tree although its habit is more like that of a hedge. At the back of a property, bamboo gives solid support. At the left or right side of the property, it gives considerable dragon energy, at the front of a property, bamboo gives very auspicious energy for wealth and opportunity. The front is considered the most auspicious planting location. So consider planting bamboo in front of your home.

Flowering plants bring reward and rewards. Orange trees are believed to bring wealth and are especially beneficial when planted in the south east corner of the garden. Lime trees are also helpful and bring wealth to stimulate love. Planted in the south pomegranates and apple can also bring recognition luck. Plant peaches in the west for excellent and lasting children’s luck and family happiness.

Plant trees to raise beneficial chi. If your home our business slopes down on the left side (as you look out of your house) is low there, trees can be planted to raise the chi. This puts the auspicious “dragon” more a more in control rather than the tiger (or right) side of the house. Be sure to have trees planted on both sides of the house to keep the household home harmonious. Trees on the left control the husband’s anger and trees on the right control the wife’s anger.

Trees both renew and protect “Mother Earth”. Your home and your family. Take the time to plan and think of the landscaping of your home and property. The luck you receive whether at work, in your family or on the golf course can well be worth any thought and planning involved. Feng Shui

About the Author: Jadran Z. Trascona
Lake Manitoba Narrows Golf
Glendale Golf Manitoba


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