By Charles Chang
Has your romantic life been on the blink lately? Perhaps you’ve recently had a relationship that’s gone sour. You may think it is you, or perhaps you blame it on your ex. But maybe it isn’t you, it’s those dried flowers you have prominently displayed in your hallway, or the full length mirror in your bedroom. Feng Shui has applications for the home, office, and yes, even your love life.
Feng Shui (pronounced fung schway) is, in simple terms, the ancient Chinese Art and Science of placing things in our immediate environment in such a way as to improve our health, balance, security, and prosperity. It has been a carefully guarded secret for most of the last 3000 years. Now, anyone can enjoy the benefits of Feng Shui in their own lives.
There are several systems which are used to determine how to arrange your home to enhance your love life. The one that applies the most for our purposes is the Pa Kua system. In Pa Kua, the southwest corner is the love and romance sector of the home.
The first thing you’ll need to do is break out your compass and determine which corner of your home is the southwest corner. If there is a bedroom there, that is great. If there is a bathroom there, not so good. That will keep your romantic interests flushing away as fast as they arrive.
Now look more closely at that southwest corner. Is it badly lit and full of clutter? That means your love-live will suffer the same fate. Think of the southwest corner of your home as a reflection of what you want your romantic life to be. By ridding it of clutter and adding the proper d
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