By Amy U. Goodmann
Some people seem to have everything going in their way. It can be said that they have the “Midas touch”. Everything they handle or are involved with – every relationship, every business venture or relationship seems to turn to gold. Yet is a positive image, or does luck seem to follow these privileged people around. Is it the chicken or the egg?
If the mind did not matter then why is the head attached to the body? In the practice and customs of Feng Shui “Mindset draws Chi”. Overall it can be more than said and emphasized that having a positive mindset and along with that the real intention and intentions to follow through with your actions and endeavors is the greatest magnet for success and popularity overall. You can count on it.
Having a positive outlook and the intention to create the life and career that you want and desire, to attract love into your life, will definitely work towards improving your career, will draw more wealth and riches for you and towards you, and toward the direction of yourself, your family and close friends. On top of that wealth, riches and even power is like a snowball rolling down the hill, getting bigger and bigger as well as gaining more and more speed as well as momentum. Good Feng Shui ponders even better and greater levels of Feng Shui.
It can be said that Feng Shui is much like liquid water. It’s all about starting motion, direction, movement and direct ion in the correct chosen manner and paths. Once you “prime the pump” of a well, water will flow incessantly and almost without much efforts on your part and parts. Before most drivers start their automobile most kick or punch the pedal to the metal a few times and in essence prime the gas pump of their car , so that they can depend that their vehicle will power up in a flash., predictably , and in a most powerful manner.
If you have ever used a pump handle to draw water, you will know that it works in the same way. Some of the time you actually have to pour water down the pump itself. In essence you are making an initial investment of precious water to get more and greater amounts of water down the line, in the future.
In the same way and manner your thoughts and intentions can be seen as an analogy to pushing downwards hard on the gas pedal , or pouring water into a pump.
It can be said that you are setting the stage for your Feng Shui to cry out and seek the vital kinds of energy you wish and desire for your eventual path down the road of your personal success – be it wealth, love, riches, friends or simple contentment in life. It’s all about focus – in the correct direction, directions and proper path. Focus and applications of your tools and powers that you intrinsically have or have come to possess.
Onwards to a live of your wildest dreams and ambitions. Feng Shui!
About the Author: Substantial Incomes & Wealth A million $ not enough you need 10 to 20 Million DOLLARS current economic financial times Alberta Canada Real Estate Development Investments Diamonds Raw Invest
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